Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Advertising Analysis Smart Advertising - 974 Words

Smart Advertising Analysis What is it about an advertisement that makes people want to purchase that item? Could it be the idea of showing it off, personal attraction, or utilizing it in everyday life? The Mercedes ad of the red SL class car does amazing in doing all three and more. It gives off a romantic look due to the color of the car and the caption on the left; and a rough and powerful look at the same time from the rigid mountainous background. The images look extremely realistic, like every detail of it was picked up by a high tech camera. The main focus of the image is the front of the car closest to the foreground, with the focus going out towards the other parts of the car making it one elegant picture. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos†¦show more content†¦Persuading the viewers is the most important reason for why the ad was constructed. It is specifically intended for single men around the age of fifty, mostly the upper and middle class that are rich. It can easily be a cknowledged through the rough terrain of the background for older men wanting some excitement. The upper class because of the price and status of the sports car, and the ad focusing on what men are attracted to: cars, sports, and women. Advertising companies use rhetorical techniques to accomplish that goal and capture the intended audience’s attention. My ad does excellent in using all three: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, to do just that. Ethos is displayed in this ad because the Mercedes Company is a well-known and reliable company; and what it is stating that men talk about is generally true and most men know that. Pathos is used in the way that it tugs on a man’s emotions because they will be noticed by beautiful women, one of the main things that men’s emotions are powerless towards. It has an even more logical effect because they are getting a powerful and expensive car, and will also have women attracted and talking about them. Using these devices just adds t o making the ad more persuasive to the viewer. The ad does commit some logical fallacies while trying to persuade the audience. There are three major fallacies that are placed within this ad: Begging the Question, Hasty Generalization, and Stereotyping. BeggingShow MoreRelatedHonest Tea Analysis790 Words   |  4 Pages(Honest Tea Mission Statement) As the name suggests Honest tea is a brand that produces 100% organic iced teas, aimed at the health conscious. In this assignment I will attempt to, identify the target market, conduct a situational analysis as well as set SMART communication objectives for the brand. Identifying the target audience: In order to identify the target audience it is important to firstly define what target audience means. 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